A Summer Practice – Part 2 – Physical Yoga

The summer months are the time of heat, energetic heat.  In turn, our body gets hotter and it is only natural that we will want to change up our physical yoga practice to account for this added heat.  Believe me when I say all of us living in the Tri-Cities are feeling this right now.  So, what does this mean?  Well in general, the summer is best for easier gentler practices.  Here are few changes to think about in your physical yoga practice so you can focus on bringing balance into your body from all the crazy heat.

Sun salutations – These can build up too much heat so, think about going easy.  Choose child’s pose rather than down dog.  Maybe stay in cobra rather than up dog.  Do plank on the knees.  Don’t go as fast through the flow.  (Some of you may have noticed, I’ve slowed down our flow as well as a few of the items to come).

Standing Twists – Standing twists add more heat so, think about doing more seated twists.

Standing Forward Fold – Reduce the number in your practice or take it down to the floor and do more seated forward folds.

Standing Straddle Splits – This can add more heat so look at doing seated straddle splits instead.

Bridge Pose – This pose generates heat so in the summer thinking about doing a supported bridge with a block.

Shoulder Stand – This can also add heat so, think about changing it out for legs up a wall.

I know this can make you feel like you are taking your practice too easy.  When outside though or in a very hot house, you will want to think about doing these changes or you will find it hard to remain comfortable in your practice.  In fact, some people may get very dizzy if they try to keep up a regular practice.

If you are practicing in a cool facility/room like at the Richland Community Center or CBRC, then just keep these things in mind if you just came indoors.  You may find that the walk from your car, your bike ride or walk to yoga practice still has you in a hot zone and you will want to go easy in your practice to help balance your pitta dosha  (in Ayurveda there are 3 dosha’s and pitta is heat).  Most bodies need about 30-45min. to cool down from being outdoors.

Give some of these a try and just see if you feel better at the end of your physical yoga practice.  In our next summer tip, we will be talking about the foods we eat and how we can mix them up during the summer months.