A Summer Practice – Part 3 – Foods

As I mentioned in the prior posts, the summer months are full of energetic heat.  We find our pitta dosha (in Ayurveda there are 3 dosha’s and pitta is heat) is working in high gear and sometimes we are challenged with staying balanced and cool.  One of the easiest ways we can start to add balance is by eating cooler foods.

Do you ever have a day where your body is just craving a salad or a big bowl of fruit?

If it is the summer, that is your body asking you to balance out your pitta dosha.  Summer is that time of year to add in more cooling foods.  Here are the most easiest ways to cool your body through the use of food;



Add more salads/leafing greens, cucumbers and cool peppers to your diet.





Add more water based fruit to your diet like melons or grapes.






Add some mint to your water or add some cilantro to that salad or taco.



Outside of the foods we eat, I would be remiss if I didn’t add the importance of staying hydrated.  Adding more water to your diet will be beneficial in allowing your body to function more efficiently and you will get less leg/foot cramps in your yoga practice.

If you put just a few of these recommendations into practice, you will notice the difference cooling foods can bring.

To balance out your body this summer, check out the breathing techniques or physical yoga practice changes mentioned in the earlier blog posts so you can stay cool.