Ahimsa Part 3

An element of Ahimsa is becoming more aware of the words we use.  The words we speak affect ourselves and others on many levels.  The words we use can either help or hurt.  Let’s dig into this a little deeper.

The words we use have the capacity to take us down a path we may not have intended.  Have you ever said something you didn’t mean to or verbally agreed to do something you really didn’t want to do?  Our words cannot only break down relationships with others but our relationship with our self.

Words on the other hand have the power to allow us to build lasting relationships, to bring someone up, to allow someone to grow and become all they were meant to be.  This is also true for us.

You see the words we say have so much power.  Most people don’t even realize that the words they use actually impact their lives and the lives of others who hear those words.

Words that are spoken are essentially sound.  All sounds have a vibrational pattern based upon the feelings that went with the sound.  The average adult body is made up of 50-65% water.  Water quickly and easily responds to sound vibrations creating a matching vibration.  That means the words we use or the words we hear (same goes for music), affects us.

Like vibrations tend to be attracted to like vibrations because they are on the same wave length.  Think about the last time you had a conversation with someone who was really happy and joyful?  After a while, did you notice how you were feeling a happier as well?  This is that sound vibrations affecting us and pulling us to the vibration of the words around us.  That is why you have most likely heard before, be careful who you surround yourself with because you will become like them and after a while use similar words.  Make sure they are uplifting and positive.

Here is another example. Think about the last time you were at a concert and your favorite song was played.  I bet it makes you feel happy just thinking about it and it brings back memories.  Let’s say that song was playing right now; you would notice your body responding to that sound at a molecular level.  In most cases we are attracted to those songs that bring us up or those that remind us of an impactful event.  The words we speak or hear also affect us mentally and emotionally.  That is why it is key for us to become more aware of the words we are using.

So how do we become more aware of our own words? Well, by listening while we are speaking.  I’ve even gone so far as to record myself on my phone from time to time and to play it back to see the words I’m using.  The key as we go through this process is becoming more aware.  To see if we are using words that bring us and others up or do they pull either party down?  Ahimsa is all about not inflicting harm to ourselves or others.

I hope this encourages you to become a little more aware of the words you are using out loud in your interactions with others or to yourself.

Words really can change our lives if we know how to properly use them to help us.

In our last session on Ahimsa we will be looking at how our actions can affect ourselves or others.

Until next time, be thinking about the words you are using and the words of those around you.  Use what you learn to bring about changes for the better.