Ahimsa Part 4

In this last element of Ahimsa we will be looking at the things we do and how that can affect ourselves or others.

I was reminded today of something I think we can all relate to.  Have you ever felt yourself wanting to give a gesture to someone in traffic, toss that golf club, say something unkind in anger or treat others how they have done to you just to give them a taste of how it feels?  We have all been there.  Where we want to give revenge in some way for harm being done to ourselves or those we love.  The sad thing about this is even though we want justice; it only brings more harm to ourselves.

When we do something unkind to others, it is a reflection of stress, pain and hurt within ourselves.  It may not even affect the other person in the way we desire but, it will surely hurt us.  The longer we hold on to the negative within us, the more it breaks us down and pops out in stress, issues within our body or even mentally.

The same is true when we neglect to take care of ourselves by doing things to ourselves that don’t serve us.  How many times have you taken action by eating something you know your body doesn’t like?  Maybe you have neglected to get that rest or to get that exercise.  We all take things out on ourselves as well.  We stop treating ourselves that way we deserve.  For some of us we put others before ourselves showing the world that we are not worth the self-care.

All that we do to ourselves or others is also connected to that vibration I mentioned in Part 3.  What we do also creates a negative message and the world responds in giving us more of it.  This is one of the ways many people fall through addiction, depression, bad relationships or head down a path of not living the life they were meant to live.  They do small steps to their self or in revenge to others that pulls them down into a deeper place.

When I find myself falling into that lower place of doing or acting in a way that doesn’t serve myself or others, I reassess why.  I go inward and ask myself if this is the path I want to go down.  In all cases, it isn’t and my realizing I’m doing more harm to myself and not creating the life I was meant to live, it allows me to reset my course in life.  I let go of whatever has been pulling me down and away from taking care of myself.  I make way within to forgive others and to forgive myself for not taking care of myself.  In this process, it creates a freeing feeling and when you have reached this point, you know you are on the path of correcting the physical or deed side of Ahimsa.

I learned a long time ago another tip that really has helped me when I’m feeling upset at someone for something they have done.  I mentally send love to them.  Each time I see them I give them love and try to find the positive within them.  This has helped me to let go and reconnect with love within all people.  It also helps to remember everyone is trying to do their best in life.  We may not always agree but, based on our own conditioning and life events, we are all acting from a place of doing what we think in the moment will make us feel better.  Knowing this makes it easier to send that love.

I hope you have found this series helpful in understanding how you can apply Ahimsa to your life in order to create a better life for yourself.  It is always my desire to see all that I come in contact with grow, expand in their awareness and become all they are meant to be.  Now it is up to you to take and apply Ahimsa in your life so you can become who you want to be.