
It is always this time of year that I’m reminded of the beauty that surrounds us.  All it takes is a look out a window or a walk outdoors and we are reminding of the beauty of spring.  The world is coming to life.  Flowers are blooming. Trees are coming back to life.  The sun is shining.  The birds are chirping away. The squirrels are running around all happy.  Life is a buzz.

So what does this all mean to us?

Well just as the beauty of spring, we each blossom and grow in the spring.  For some of us it is now and for others it may be as late as June.

What I mean by this is we all have internal seasons within ourselves.  Most of us will find an internal awakening in the spring sometime between April and June.  We will feel our body and thinking coming to life.  Just like the animals notice the change of spring and feel love in the air, the same is true for us. We feel the excitement of spring, we feel the extra energy to do things, we open ourselves to love, new relationships and new adventures.

This changing of the season and when we feel the spring within ourselves coming to life, it is a great time to look at our own lives.  It is a great time to ask ourselves some deeper thinking questions like the following;

What do I want to bring to life?

What do I want to change within my life?

What do I want to grow (both physical and through action)?

Who do I want to be, have or do by the end of this summer?

We can take advantage of this inner energy and aliveness of the season to make changes within our own lives and in the lives of others. The possibilities of what we can accomplish during this season of action is insurmountable.  Take some time to answer these questions and write out your answers.  Dream big, create a plan, take action today and allow the beauty of the season to bring forth the beauty in all that you long to be, do or have.

I’m looking forward to hearing on our Living Fit with Dawn FB page what the beauty of the season is moving you towards achieving.