Privacy Policy

It was brought to my awareness with moving more of our classes on line I needed a privacy policy in place. Here is our deceleration. Living Fit with Dawn will not share, sell or trade email addresses or personal information that they collect from this page or from any other third-party sites such as social […]

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Judgement of Others

Have you found yourself judging others? We have all mentally judged someone. It could have been while on errands, with friends, or at work. Have you found at times where you are judging yourself for a word you said or a situation that didn’t go as planned? I can honestly say I’ve done this more […]

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Dhyana Mudra – Meditation

During our initial mediation you will frequently hear me offer Dhyana Mudra as a method of going inward into self-care. This mudra allows us to release attachments and to go inward to connecting with our true self. That pare of our self that knows what is right for us. In the process of meditating with […]

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Spiritual Yoga Practice

Noticing where our mind goes allows us to better know where we are along our yoga journey.  As stated in the Bhagavad Gita chapter 13, verse 34. “Those whose minds are enchanted by sense enjoyment and material opulence never find the resolute determination to practice spiritual life.” This quote always reminds me if my mind […]

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Getting Out of Your Head

We have all heard the saying get out of your head and into your heart but, have you really thought about it lately and how it relates to your life now?  With the rush of our days and all the planning, when was the last time you stepped back and really assessed this question?  Like […]

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The other day I was reminded of being aware of what other say to us and what our thoughts do in response to hearing what others say.  You see like so many people we have things we want to do, be or have.  Yet, we may find as we tell others about these things, they […]

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We all find ourselves at some point in our life asking ourselves, What am I doing here?  You know the place of “Here” that isn’t exactly what we expected it to be.  This circumstance, job, relationship, health, home, etc. isn’t working out like I thought it would. We all have those moments when we wake […]

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Do you dislike how you feel after a long trip?  You’re not alone.  If you have done any amount of flying for long distances, you are aware of some familiar feelings like your body feeling achy, uncomfortable, cramped, feeling sleep deprived, and dehydrated to boot.  Sound all too familiar? Believe me I sure can relate […]

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The Elephant

Do you know your mind has over 6K thoughts a day?  This can be simple thoughts of history or day to day tasks.  We normally don’t notice because our mind is so efficient.  Our minds categorize our thoughts so it can help us understand the unknown.  There is an old yoga story around this same […]

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