
When you think of flexibility what comes to mind? Is it someone from Cirque du Soleil doing some amazing feat? Is if a gymnasts doing the splits? Flexibility is so much more than the poses or asanas we see people do. It is about learning flexibility through body awareness and mental states. Seams simple and […]

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Mantras and their Affect

In yoga classes we typically hear or chant mantras but, do you know why?  It isn’t just the passing down of stories.  Although, many of the chants are educational and awaken the mind to a deeper awareness, mantras are comprised of so much more. Mantras have a major effect on the body at a cellular […]

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A Summer Practice – Part 3 – Foods

As I mentioned in the prior posts, the summer months are full of energetic heat.  We find our pitta dosha (in Ayurveda there are 3 dosha’s and pitta is heat) is working in high gear and sometimes we are challenged with staying balanced and cool.  One of the easiest ways we can start to add […]

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A Summer Practice – Part 1 Breath

Any time of year is a great time for yoga but, just like any season, there are things we can do to make our practice a bit more enjoyable and in line with Ayurvedic principles.  In the hot summer days, like we have had lately, this will be important to maintain balance.  Energetically the summer […]

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It is always this time of year that I’m reminded of the beauty that surrounds us.  All it takes is a look out a window or a walk outdoors and we are reminding of the beauty of spring.  The world is coming to life.  Flowers are blooming. Trees are coming back to life.  The sun […]

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Ahimsa Part 3

An element of Ahimsa is becoming more aware of the words we use.  The words we speak affect ourselves and others on many levels.  The words we use can either help or hurt.  Let’s dig into this a little deeper. The words we use have the capacity to take us down a path we may […]

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Ahimsa Part 1

Going deeper within isn’t just about our body awareness.  It takes into account our thoughts, words and actions.  In this four part series, we will dig deeper into Ahimsa.  We will learn about our thoughts, words and actions and how they affect our life. I frequently come back to Ahimsa in my life.  Mainly because […]

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What are you doing for your soul today?

I was asked this question the other day and it had such an effect on me I in turn shared it with some of my students. When you think of this question, what comes to mind? (Really take a moment and think about it.) For me it was a reminder of being true to myself […]

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Yoga and Injuries

I was recently reminded of how we each have had various things happen to our body.  It is unavoidable; we will all have an injury at one time or have something just not work like it used to.  Even with knowing we will each have these times, it can be difficult and sometimes we feel […]

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