Curve Balls in Life

The other day I was informed that a friend, who had asked me to join them on a trip overseas, was no longer going and that it would cost me thousands more for the trip or I would need to find a roommate to go with me.   My first response was …

Now What?

I then went in to teach my yoga class and afterward, I had my answer.  I still find it amazing how yoga just calms us down enough to bring clarity to all situations.

I realized that it isn’t really an issue but, more of a learning lesson.  You see the travel company can get me a roommate if I can’t find one but there was a deeper message for me.

All changes that take place in our lives are there to teach us something.

Mine was to really discover within me if I really wanted this trip or if I was doing it because a friend asked me to.  I learned that is was truly my desire and that in the future before I agree to any major investment  in trips, I need to think more about am I doing this trip for me or am I doing it out of a feeling of wanting to support a friend/family member.  Yes, there are times to do things for our significant other or family but, in general, we should be doing things because we are following our true desires or true path.

Next time life tosses you a curve ball, ask what is my lesson in this?  Maybe take some time to do yoga or to meditate on it.  You will find the answer interesting just as I do each time I use this method.  Take your lesson and share it with us here.  That way we can all learn from each other.

If you have found yourself stuck and you want to work past it, look into learning more about coaching and what it has to offer.