Dhyana Mudra – Meditation

During our initial mediation you will frequently hear me
offer Dhyana Mudra as a method of going inward into self-care. This mudra
allows us to release attachments and to go inward to connecting with our true
self. That pare of our self that knows what is right for us. In the process of
meditating with this mudra many say it balances our breathing and aids our

So how do you get into this mudra?

Cup left hand on lap, place right hand on top and place thumbs touching each other creating an oblong circle.

Once you have the mudra, be aware of the thumbs, you will want them very gently touching each other. Mentally release and connect with the stillness within. Ideally it is best to hold this pose for 20 min. a day when starting out and then building up to 1-2hrs. Yes, you read that right. It gets easier and eventually you won’t even notice how long you have been holding this mudra.

The Dhyana Mudra is a foundational pose that has been
traditionally used in beginning meditation practices but, I’ve used it often to
allow a quick release after a hard day at work. This mudra really does allow a
quick connection with our true self – that place of connection to the inner
peace within all of us.

I hope you will join me more often in giving Dhyana Mudra a
try at our next class or workshop together.