
Do you dislike how you feel after a long trip?  You’re not alone.  If you have done any amount of flying for
long distances, you are aware of some familiar feelings like your body feeling achy,
uncomfortable, cramped, feeling sleep deprived, and dehydrated to boot. 

Sound all too familiar?

Believe me I sure can relate but, I’ve figured out ways to
make it just a bit more comfortable. 
Here some tips that have helped me make my travels a bit more enjoyable
on the other end.

  • Before taking off be sure to pack water based
    snacks for the flight.  I like to cut up an
    apple and/or pack grapes.  I’ve even done
    fresh pineapple and various berries before. 
    Not only do these fruit snakes give you a perk up when you need the
    natural sugar, they also help with staying hydrated.   
  • Stretch some before you get on the plane.  Do a few sub salutations before you leave
    your house/hotel.  Do a few chest expansions
    and forward folds right before you get on the plane at a minimum. 
  • Check your bags if you can. This will allow
    your  body to not have to carry an uneven
    load while going through the airport. If taking your bags can not be avoided (like
    in some international travels) think of using a suitcase with wheals or a back
    pack that is more even in weight.
  •  For long
    flights (over 2 ½ hrs) take a small spray bottle.  Once past security, add water and a few drops
    of your favorite refreshing essential oil such as peppermint, lavender, orange
    or rose.  Why? The plane is very dry and
    you will want to spritz your face regularly to not only keep your skin hydrated
    but to refresh your senses.  
  • About every hour get up and move about.  This allows the blood to keep moving but, it
    is also a good time to do a few stretches to even your body out a bit from sitting
    so long.  I like to do some chest
    expansions, forward fold, triangle to even by lower back and maybe a warrior
    one for my hips back by the rest room area. 
    I also toss  in sometimes a few
    stretches in my chair like arms over head with laced hands, figure 4 with my
    legs or one knee at a time to my chest to stretch out. 
  • Be aware of what you are drinking.  Be sure to take in lots of water.  The plane is very dry and when traveling we
    can easily get dehydrated which can cause other problems in the body like
    cracked lips or even constipation.  If
    you are going to have an alcoholic beverage think two glasses of water to each
    drink to counter balance your body of the water loss. Yes, I know this may make
    you go to the restroom more but, your body will thank you.
  • Choose an isle seat so you can stretch out one
    leg and get up and about easily when your body calls for it.  Your neighbors will thank you but, you will
    also feel more comfortable actually following your bodies needs for a stretch
    or restroom break.
  • If you are changing time zones, switch up your
    eating and sleeping to the new time zone a day or two ahead of time.  I really didn’t believe this one until a
    friend told me I needed to give it a go. 
    Sure enough it really does help when you get to your destination to be
    more in line with their schedule.
  • When you arrive, workout a bit.  If day time, take a long walk, use the hotel
    exercise equipment or run over to a local yoga studio and take in a class.  This will help you get any kinks out and
    prepare you for a good nights sleep.

Next time you are flying, take in a few of these tips and see if they help.  If you find they help, be sure to let me and others know on our Facebook page.