Why do I have gas in yoga class when I didn’t before class started?

I find it odd why instructors don’t share this.  I try to do so in all my beginning classes because this is so common and should not cause embarrassment.  Yoga works your internal organs.  In doing so, your digestive system is activated every time you forward fold, twist and expand your body.  If you had something to eat/drink that has a tendency to create gas, it may come out in your practice.  Note I said may.  What is odd is it may not always happen when you eat/drink something that creates gas.  If it is best for the body to release it, it will.  

Tip – Sometimes I use a little Young Living Digize on my tummy on those days I know I had foods that may not sit with me.

Women may also find this happening as a vaginal air release during their time of the month or right after it has completed.  This is normal too due to many women now days use tampons and they can create an opening for air that is released during the movement of yoga.  Some women find this more frequently happening during the process of going into or out of inversions.  Remember the body is just letting go of what no longer serves it.

In either case, this is normal and yogi’s should know that this is common.  Our body is taking care of itself and is creating balance internally through the process of yoga.  We should not judge, look or feel uncomfortable if this happens.  It is just part of life.  If this happens to you or to someone else in class, use your yoga philosophy training and be accepting and take it in stride. 

If you are wanting to learn more about yoga and how it affects the body, check out the upcoming workshops at http://livingfitwithdawn.com/workshops/.