Getting Out of Your Head

We have all heard the saying get out of your head and into
your heart but, have you really thought about it lately and how it relates to
your life now?  With the rush of our days
and all the planning, when was the last time you stepped back and really assessed
this question? 

Like most of us, I find it easy to follow the calling of my
mind rather than my heart.  Maybe it is
all those years of doing analytical work that is all fact based rather than
leading from within.  Then again, it
could be from being lazy or not wanting to face reality.  You see when we stay with routine being it
running to work and then after work running to this thing or that with our set
routines each day of the week, we can get lazy but, this form of laziness can
also be a way to avoid assessing our life as well. 

When I recently stepped back and asked myself these
questions, the following came to mind.

I like to watch those who follow their heart from one thing
to another and I wonder why I’m just not as carefree as they are. Yet, like
most people with a day job, I’ve come to depend upon the structure and
stability of leading life by my head.  It
is only recently that I’ve notice that leading from my head rather than my
heart that I’ve lost the connection with all the beautiful things life has to
offer.  You know the simple pleasures of
a walk, seeing the sun rise or even a relaxing with neighbors while enjoying
delicious homemade peach cobbler.  I find
myself stopping when I find my mind telling me to go do the dishes or to do the
laundry.  I now assess making space to
live and enjoy the little things and let go of the ramblings of my mind telling
me I need to do things that can be done latter or even another day. Yes, house
work and even blog posting has taken a back seat as I’ve played with this
concept.  Although, I can’t say my home
or business has turned into a shambles by doing so, I have to admint it has
been so enjoyable to follow my hearts desires.

I don’t know where you are on your journey but, stop now and
again and let go of your mind and live a little more from your heart.  Get out there and enjoy the little things
that come available every day and see if you too don’t just find each day just
a little more enjoyable.