Judgement of Others

Have you found yourself judging others?

We have all mentally judged someone. It could have been while on errands, with friends, or at work.

Have you found at times where you are judging yourself for a word you said or a situation that didn’t go as planned?

I can honestly say I’ve done this more times than I care to admit. When we find either of these forms of judgement happening, we may laugh it off and think it doesn’t matter but, it does. What we forget is how both of these forms of judgement affect us.

In Dr. David R. Hawkins book Letting Go, he says

“all judgement is really self-judgement.”

When we judge others, our subconscious mind takes it in as
self judgement. When we ponder over a word said or how a situation went, our
mind also takes that as self judgement as well.

Interesting right? Well it gets even more interesting.

There is also the theory that what we judge, no matter what
it is, that is a reflection of something we don’t like about ourselves.   

Wow! Harsh.

I’ve come to realize that all forms of judgement create an internal
restriction. A restriction that sometimes I’m not even aware of but, at other
times it can be blaring and shows up in how I feel. I’ve found even old
restrictions from judgement I didn’t even know I’ve held on to show up later in
situations. You know those situation where you step back and go, wasn’t that
odd? This judging and repetitive judging can become quite harmful if we allow
it to continue. The restriction from judging can eventually show up in our body
in various ailments.

I’ve been asked several times by friends why I was able to
let go of judgement so quickly and why I did not judge them like others have
done. It comes down to connecting into a place of love for others. I know this is
odd but, really it does work.

You see if you find the positive in others, even it is as
little as liking the shirt they are wearing or the way they do something right,
well; it changes our frame of mind. Believe me this simple trick of loving
thoughts doesn’t work all the time so; I have other tools I’ve come to use.

When I’m judging or feel that others are judging me, I try
to remind myself that all forms of behavior are performed at ones current level
of awareness. You see none of us truly know why someone’s hair looks odd or why
someone acted the way they did towards us. It could be as simple as them having
a hard day. We can’t read others minds and know the stories their minds are
telling themselves to have them be the way they are. We all have things that
have happened to us through the years that have formed us to behave in certain
ways. Just because someone has done something odd, we can’t make up our own
stories of judgement about them because we don’t know their life. If we go down
this path of judgement, we are creating internal restrictions and that can only
lead to more internal pain. So, in the end, it comes down to allowing ourselves
to release the judgement and resentment so it doesn’t fester. By letting go, we
release the restriction with our body and it frees us.

The good news is we don’t’ have to take on others negative
judgement nor do we have to judge others that intern is judging ourselves. We
have a choice.

Next time you find yourself judging someone ask yourself;

  1. Do I fully know what caused them to do whatever they have done?
  2. If I judge them, do I want to be judged the same way?

Next time you find yourself judging yourself ask yourself;

  1. Would I judge my best friend or a close family member the same way?

If not, let it go and know that by doing so you are freeing yourself.