The other day I was reminded of being aware of what other
say to us and what our thoughts do in response to hearing what others say. 

You see like so many people we have things we want to do, be
or have.  Yet, we may find as we tell
others about these things, they may not be as receptive, receiving, and
supportive as we may have wanted.  In
fact, they may tell us that we can’t do, be, or have things because a series of

Why do allow what
others say bother us so much or even go so far as to believe they know better?

Well it comes down to us caring about what others in our life think and wanting their acceptance and support for the things we want to do, be or have.  We can even sink into thinking because they are in a big role in our life like a parent, husband, wife, family member or best friend that they know what is best for us.

I’ve come to learn that even people closest to us don’t really know us.  That getting their support isn’t even always possible.  When this happens, we need to find that place within ourselves to know the difference between hearing what others think, assessing it, and knowing what is best for our life. Yes, I said not what is best for the other person but, what is best for us.  We don’t have to take others opinions as reality. We do have a choice.

When we are faced with negative input or even unsolicited
input, we need to take a step back. See where our minds go, see if what our
mind and heart says is reality or not before we just accept what others

Part of what has allowed me to accomplish the things I have
is because I’ve been able to do just that. 
I’ve learned to listen when I don’t like something someone is telling me
about what I can and can’t do. I assess what is going on inside me and
determine if what they said is even real for me.  If it isn’t, I remind myself who I am and
what I’m capable of.   

The next time you find someone tell you that you can’t do,
be or have something, take the time to think about it.  You may find as I recently did that it was
just their opinion.  They don’t know who
you really are and what you are capable of being, doing or having.  This process allows us to release their words
and to put them aside.  For others,
taking the time to think about it can even cause inspiration to prove them
wrong.  Only you can determine what is
right for you and what you are capable of.  No one else can.

The day you allow the words of others to push you away from
your dreams is the day you have lost who you are and all belief in
yourself.  You won’t be able to take that
next step towards what you really want because you believed what they said deep
down and took it to mean you can’t do, be or have something. Eventually, even
if you take a next step, it won’t be with the same passion and you will eventually
give up or move on to something else.   

When others can push you to this level, we need to realize
they have pushed us to a point where our own thoughts and self-worth no longer
matter. Only what they say or want from us matters. We have lost our own lives
and are living to serve what others want of us.  This process can become a path of self-destruction. 

Yes, I’m winding down a worse case path for you here so that
the next time someone says to you that you can’t do, be or have something you
will be able to let it go.  Just let what
they say roll off your back, let it go

Yes, it may be hard the first few times but, by doing so you will start to have clarity of mind, realize who you are, and what are capable of.  You will be able to stand strong. It will give you the motivation for that next step in accomplishing your desires. Remember you know yourself better than anyone else does. You know what you can do, be or have. Now the rest is up to you. Go get it!