The Elephant

Do you know your mind has over 6K thoughts a day?  This can be simple thoughts of history or day to day tasks.  We normally don’t notice because our mind is so efficient.  Our minds categorize our thoughts so it can help us understand the unknown.  There is an old yoga story around this same […]

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Too Much (Atyadhikam in Sanskrit)

If you are anything like me, you started out loving watching the snow come down.  Come on, I know some of you did.  But, after a day of snow followed by a day long blizzard you were most likely thinking this is too much.  Enough already!  Please stop.  Seriously, I’m done with wanting snow and […]

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Yoga + Beer – Canceled 2/9/19

After talking to owner of White Bluffs Brewing, we have decided it best to cancel Yoga + Beer today due to the weather. Please be safe and stay warm with the blizzard that is expected to go most of the day.

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Back Health

If you have or have had back pain, you are not alone.  The majority of US citizens have had or do have back pain at some point.  Why?  Well mainly because of our life style has allowed three very common aspects to take place that cause back pain.  These are; We don’t listen to our […]

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Stress and Yoga

Have you ever felt that irritating stress that comes on with work, unexpected events, a relationship gone bad, surgery or the loss of a loved one?  I’ve talked to or have heard from several people going through just this in the last month.  I think now is a perfect time for me to share how […]

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New Year – One Word

Have you set your New Year resolutions? Do you have your one word? When we get to the end of the year I like going back and using the methods I’ve learned from my mentor John Maxwell. So often we just let one year slip into the next without stepping back and thinking about : Where […]

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Mantras and their Affect

In yoga classes we typically hear or chant mantras but, do you know why?  It isn’t just the passing down of stories.  Although, many of the chants are educational and awaken the mind to a deeper awareness, mantras are comprised of so much more. Mantras have a major effect on the body at a cellular […]

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As quite a few of you know, I just moved into a new house after 18 years of living in the same house.  Boy was it an adventure and continues to be so as I’m slowly unpacking and sorting through things.  I knew I had a lot in the house but, it has become very […]

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A Summer Practice – Part 3 – Foods

As I mentioned in the prior posts, the summer months are full of energetic heat.  We find our pitta dosha (in Ayurveda there are 3 dosha’s and pitta is heat) is working in high gear and sometimes we are challenged with staying balanced and cool.  One of the easiest ways we can start to add […]

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