New Year – One Word

Have you set your New Year resolutions?

Do you have your one word?

When we get to the end of the year I like going back and using the methods I’ve learned from my mentor John Maxwell. So often we just let one year slip into the next without stepping back and thinking about :

  • Where have we been this last year?
  • What went well?
  • What could have been improved?
  • Did I accomplish what I wanted to?
    • Why or why not?

This tells us so much about the year and helps us prepare
for the coming year.

One thing I like to do in addition to setting my intentions or New Year’s resolutions for the coming year is to set one word for the year. This one word becomes a reminder of all that I want to do in the New Year but also can be posted and placed in my house or around work to remind myself of where I want to be at the end of the coming year. I’ve had words like connection, travel, balance (health) and productivity thru the years. If you haven’t done a one word yet, take some time to think about what one word sums up all that you truly want to accomplish or become in the coming year.

For those of you wanting to dig a little deeper, really asses this last year and prepare for the coming year with reachable change and accomplishments, drop me a text, e-mail or FB message and say you are interested in my ½ day New Year – Kick Start Program. In this small group program, I will be taking you through some of the best tips and tricks I’ve learned that have helped me learn more about myself, assess what is working and what is not working in my life, learn more about what I want and how to accomplish more than 5x what I used to accomplish per year.