How often should I clean my mat?

That really depends on how much you use your mat.  Some key signs you need to clean your mat are:

  • Your hands slide in down dog
  • Your feet side in warrior poses
  • You are noticing foot tracks on your mat (look at front and back of mat)
  • One side of your mat looks cleaner than the other
  • You have used it outside once or twice
  • You can see things on your mat that normally are not there (marks, dirt)

Ok, so one or more of these are true?  Then it is time to clean your mat.  Now,  for me it depends on the method I’m going to use that will determine how often.

If I’m using a Young Living mat spray to clean my mat (see blog on How do I clean my yoga mat), I do it about every 7-10 classes.  For most people taking yoga this is once a month.  For teachers this may be once a week to every other week being I change from number of classes to number of days for teachers.  

If I’m doing a deeper cleaning with soap and water, I try to limit this form of cleaning to 1-2 times a year.  The reason why is because these deep cleanings can impact the stick of the mat and start to degrade it faster.  This is especially true with cheaper mats. 

The exception to all of this is if I’ve been sick or someone has used my mat.  In both of these cases, I use the Young Living Thieves mat spray right away.  If I continue to do yoga while sick, I will clean it every couple of classes and once the bug is gone. 

Really in the end, it all comes down to preference.  I have to admit there have been times I’ve gone months without cleaning my mat.  I think most people have.  What works with your schedule?   Find out what does and put it on your calendar so you remember to do it.  Maybe that is after the first Sat. of the month free yoga class.  See what works for you and stick to it to mitigate coming down sick or getting germs you just don’t want to get.

Learn more about how to clean your mat at

Learn more about the next free first Sat. yoga at