Am I doing the pose (i.e. down dog) right?

Normally, when I get asked this question it is because someone is doing the pose and they just are not feeling like it feels right.  That is normal when starting out with any new pose or new activity.  The best way to know if you are doing a pose correctly though is to get into a beginning class or into one on one training.  Let’s face it, we all have different bodies and different things we have done to our body through the years.  The best variation of the pose for us may be uniquely different than what others are doing and that is perfectly alright. 

For the experienced yogi, does the pose feel good?  If it doesn’t, something could be off.  Get an instructor to watch you go into the pose maybe before or after class.  They will be able to pinpoint what is going on and where the miss alignment is at. 

The worst thing you can do is not speak up and eventually hurt yourself from not having the pose right for your body.  So, be sure to bring to your instructor’s attention the need to better understand the pose and how it should look and feel for you. 

To learn more about how you can get set up for a one to one yoga training session!