Spiritual Yoga Practice

Noticing where our mind goes allows us to better know where we are along our yoga journey.  As stated in the Bhagavad Gita chapter 13, verse 34.

“Those whose minds are enchanted by sense enjoyment and material
opulence never find the resolute determination to practice spiritual life.”

This quote always reminds me if my mind is constantly on
material things or on things that take me away from a spiritual connection; I’m
opening a door to frustration and discontent. This form of thinking blocks me
from the spiritual aspects of yoga as well as the simple enjoyment of nature or
daily activities.

Life is about constantly connecting with ourselves and
determining what is right for us. With each change of the seasons, I’m always
asking myself…

Am I headed in the direction that is best for me, right now?

I’ve come to notice that any minor shift in my awareness, patterns
in my thought, or behavior can take me in a different direction. I do mean very
minor changes can move me in another direction. An easy example I’ve noticed
through the years is if I do my grocery shopping at one store for a period of
time and then go to another store, I will notice a shift in my awareness with
grocery shopping of all things. Something so basic as becoming aware of my mental
awareness that I like interacting with the people at one grocery store versus
another or like eating produce from one store versus another. This minor shift
can take my routine activity of shopping to maybe enjoying the activity more or
even better eating habits.

If you are craving a more spiritual yoga practice or life, step back and think about this Bhagavad Gita quote and determine if your thoughts are dominated by material things or thoughts that hold us back from enjoying a spiritual practice. If so, make a minor shift in your mental thinking by letting your focus go a bit more frequently to enjoying the inner spiritual peace from your practice. This will allow the space or slight mental shift when you think of your yoga practice. In doing so, you will be opening the door to more spiritual aspects to come into your practice and your life.

I hope you will join me for a more spiritual yoga practice in
the coming months.