Stress and Yoga

Have you ever felt that irritating stress that comes on with work, unexpected events, a relationship gone bad, surgery or the loss of a loved one? 

I’ve talked to or have heard from several people going through just this in the last month.  I think now is a perfect time for me to share how yoga has helped me in stressful time and how it can do the same for you.

When we feel that pressure from work, family or life in
general, it is a great reminder for us to connect back into our yoga practice.

When we do yoga regularly we are able to deal with stress a
little easier.  That is because we have
engrained techniques that help us let go and not allow life to take over our
emotions and responses to circumstances. 
We are better at taking the event or stress in context to our overall

So what techniques do we learn in yoga that allow us to
handle stress easier?


Breathing exercises performed during class teach us how to
connect to a balance place on center and to let go of any stress.  Science has caught on to the cellular changes
of breathing and if you are not using pranayama in your life – now is the time
to learn.

Physical Yoga Practice

Our asana or yoga practice allows us to get to a single
point focus.  Anytime we can do that it
tends to slow down the mind and allows stress to release the place of dominance
in our life for a while.


Meditation releases worries, concerns, slows down the heart
and the fight or flight response that comes on with stress.  It allows us to connect with that quiet place
within all of us.  This is that place
where we feel safe.  I can’t add enough
that if you are dealing with stress how important meditation is.  If you have done yoga for any length of time
you know how to relax and to connect into meditation to make space within for

If you find yourself dealing with any level of stress, go
back to your yoga training of pranayama (breathing), asana (regular yoga
practice), and meditation to connect inward. 
These practices will allow you to let go for a moment and to connect
with that inner peace.  We cannot control
the circumstances of our life but we can control our response to them.  Go inward through breathing, yoga, meditation
and take care of yourself.  If you do not
take care of yourself the situation and your roaming mind will control you.