We all find ourselves at some point in our life asking
ourselves, What am I doing here?  You
know the place of “Here” that isn’t exactly what we expected it to be.  This circumstance, job, relationship, health,
home, etc. isn’t working out like I thought it would. We all have those moments
when we wake up and realize something needs to change.

The good news is when we feel this way we have choices open
to us. 

Really two choices we
can make.

  1. We can stay miserable and tell everyone about
    how bad it is or
  2. We can start to make changes to release the “Here”
    that no longer serves us.

I find it so often that people stay in an unhealthy job,
relationship, health, etc. You know the place of wows because they don’t think
they have a way out.  That isn’t the
case.  We all have choices in every
action of every day.  Did you have a
choice of eating this morning?  What
about taking a shower?  Maybe brushing
your teeth? These are all mini choices we make every day.  In fact, Cornell University estimates we make
about 226.7 decisions each day on just food alone and each day we make about 35K
decisions each day.  Believe me most are
small decisions but even the smallest choices we make over time create changes
in our life.

Let’s say you notice you decide not to brush your teeth as
often.  You find you are only brushing
once a day and for shorter and shorter amount of time as the months pass.  The long term outcome may start with bleeding
gums but, maybe move towards more cavities and it could even go to an extreme
as having our teeth pulled due to lack of care. 
Anywhere along the way, if we were this person, we could have made a
choice to brush longer, maybe add twice a day but for some reason we chose not
to make the change. This is true with anything in our life.  Anything we don’t like is generally because
we have stayed in a pattern that isn’t serving our higher good.

We just need to remind ourselves that we can make U Turns in
life.  Anything that isn’t serving us and
making us not feel good about ourselves is a sign we need to make changes.  It is time for a U Turn.  To make that U Turn though, you have to
realize you have a problem or a circumstance you don’t like.  Then you take action to make changes in your
life. Don’t ask others to make the change for you, it is you and only you who
can make changes in your life you desire.  Family and friends may try to support you but,
really it comes down to wanting to make the change yourself for yourself. 

It was Mahatma Gandhi that said,

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” 

If you want to have a different circumstance, job,
relationship, health, home, etc. it is up to you to make the change.

So often I find people coming to me for coaching wanting
change but, it is really the individual’s desire for a U Turn that brings the
change.  I just allow their eyes to be
more open to what it will take to bring about the U Turn, to get headed in the
direction of their desire. 

If you find yourself staying in a circumstance that is not serving
you, I highly recommend taking some time to think about your options.  Go back and think of your options I laid out
above.  If it is right for you, make that
U Turn.  Be that change you wish to see.