What are you doing for your soul today?

I was asked this question the other day and it had such an effect on me I in turn shared it with some of my students.

When you think of this question, what comes to mind? (Really take a moment and think about it.)

For me it was a reminder of being true to myself and being mindful to take care of my souls needs.  So often I send my time in service to my jobs, students, friends or family that I forget to take time just to sooth my soul.  I’m sure most of you have felt this as well in our fast paced world.  Running from one task to another and when we do slow down it is for sleep or to meet a “relaxing” task with a loved one or friend.  This isn’t what truly serving our soul is.  It is taking that down time to really relax and let go with something that isn’t considered another commitment.  You know those days or chunks of time with no agenda type of relaxation.

If you have been like me, even things that should be considered relaxing like dinner with friends started turning into another to do task rather than being relaxing.  This caused me to wonder…

What is a truly relaxing activity for me?

I decided it was something that when I completed it, it gave me a renewed and refreshing feeling.  It made me feel alive in some way.  So, I gathered together a list of these things.  Here are a few…

  • Walking in nature/parks
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Reading on my back porch
  • Visits with family/friends
  • Traveling
  • Coaching
  • Dancing

I’m keeping my list close and handy so I can add to it as I discover other things that truly bring pleasure to my soul.

Meanwhile, I’m taking action to add more of these moments of pleasing my soul spontaneously into my daily life.  I’ve discovered if I leave spaces of time in my calendar, I will add one of my soul pleasing activities into my day.  As long as I don’t plan it, it appears to have a greater affect in pleasing my soul.  So, for me, following the whim of my soul each day works best.

Give it a try and start creating your list today.

I would love to hear what is pleasing your soul and if this method is useful to you as well.